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Artikel-Schlagworte: „want“

fuck science, we want floods

It’s a phenomenon of this century that humanity got a shitload of technology around them but don’t know how to make use of it.

Let’s take satellites, for example.

You can use them to watch stupid TV and make your mind go numb. Or you could use them to observe the weather and warn people of coming floods. Humanity this year chose the first and hundreds of people in Germany and Belgium are now dead, their houses and existences destroyed.

It’s ridiculous.

In Europe we got the EFAS which is the abbrevation for European Flood Awareness System. According to this satellite system, read up what they had to say around 9th and 10th of July:

„On 9 and 10 July, flood forecasts by the European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service indicated a high probability of flooding for the Rhine River basin, affecting Switzerland and Germany.

Subsequent forecasts also indicated a high risk of flooding for the Meuse River basin, affecting Belgium. The magnitude of the floods forecasted for the Rhine River basin increased significantly in this period. The first EFAS warnings were sent to the relevant national authorities starting on 10 July and, with the continuously updated forecasts, more than 25 warnings were sent for specific regions of the Rhine and Meuse River basins in the following days until 14 July.“

This is a quote taken directly from their website, bold markings by me. Such occassions, satellites here and an appropriate agency as example, happen oftentimes which makes me wonder what is so advanced regarding our species. It’s beyond words. Humans are stupid fucks.

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