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Archiv für Oktober 2024

5 KI-personas

Der ganze KI-Kram da draußen ist alles noch BETA und von künstlicher Intelligenz rein technisch keine Spur weit und breit. Und doch gibt es bereits fünf Typen von Büroangestellten zum Thema „KI bei der Arbeit“:

„Der Maximalist“: benutzt Tools wie ChatGPT und Google Gemini regelmäßig bereits bei der Arbeit
„Der Untergrund“: benutzt die Tools, aber geheim
„Der Rebel“: verabscheut die Tools
„Der Superfan“: freut sich riesig über die Tools, aber hat bis heute keins davon je benutzt
„Der Beobachter“: wartet erst einmal ab und wird man dann sehen

Man kann die Studie als durchaus repräsentativ beurteilen, denn immerhin wurden 5000 Menschen dafür befragt. Kleiner Schmerzpunkt: war halt von Salesforce. Könnte also based sein. Oder ist es ziemlich sicher. Wird jedoch nicht die letzte ihrer Art sein und man darf gespannt sein, wie sich das entwickelt.

Der Link oben liefert auch einen Test, zum selber herausfinden. Der hat bei mir allerdings nicht funktioniert – vielleicht ja bei euch.

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the generic age of video games

Above: a typical environmental element no Unreal engine powered video game must miss

„Final Fantasy VII Rebirth“ will be my last Unreal engine powered video game ever bought and here’s why.

I was born in the 80s and concerning video games, I was part of a lucky generation which has seen it all: from the weak pixelated C64/Atari consoles through the Nintendo x Sega console wars with GameBoys, Gamegears, NES/SNES, Mega Drives, Dreamcast and whatnot; the revolution introduced by the PS1PS3 systems; followed by the console war between Microsoft and Sony until the current age of PS4/PS5 and Xbox S/X and their most similar hardware architecture to PCs ever; Nintendo suing anyone who emulates; VR and the according headsets; as well as Internet based virtual worlds like Second Life, PlayStation Home and Decentraland.

As we 80s kids are all part of the worldwide workforce now and have no time to slack around anymore, why is it that subjectively every popular game on the market uses the exact same engine – whereas we should have the most competent programmers and video game creators out there who certainly have seen the above all too, have the same valuable experience and could do so so much better?

I don’t get it. Where did it all go wrong?

First let’s start with a little bit of history where the Unreal engine came from: it was a shooter engine from somewhere between 1998 and 2014. If you need a deeper knowledge, here’s the list and all the true „Unreal“ games that where powered by it (with Unreal engine 1-4). Read it up, check the scores for each game, maybe you remember some and let me know what you think of it. Don’t get me wrong, even we as a local playgroup had a lot of fun together when playing „Unreal Tournament“ at our LAN parties in the 2000s. But there is much more to video games than shooters. What works best for shooters doesn’t need to work best for any other genre. And exactly here lies the rabbit in the pepper (German saying).

That issue went berserk to this date, 2024. It may be a good engine, maybe even excellent. But please, it’s a shooter engine. This might be the case for shooters. It never was meant to be a „general video game engine“ and to this date it certainly doesn’t live up to that. Here are some of the main problems. Depending on the hardware generation, the following applies most of the time:

* the atmosphere feels similar
* the graphics have a similar technology feel – no progress noticeable, most of the time not even visible
* the glitches are the same, e.g. low pixels until you literally run into environmental items
* heck, even the bugs are the same
* camera and camera problems: almost always the same
* gameplay: almost always the same
* rubbish and items with no purpose at all: always the same
* rendering issues: always the same

Conclusion: if you want to develop the next (hopefully revolutionary, harhar) shooter – take the Unreal engine! If you want to pitch your video game idea and need cheap developers for your MVP, choose the Unreal engine! Then go on with your own engine into your own future from there! For any other genre and if you really love video games and understand where it all came from (see above), choose something else. Or, if you feel capable and/or have the resources, develop your own engine plus do some research and support the video companies out there who still do:

CD Projekt has its own Red Engine.
Capcom has its own RE engine.
Konami had its own Fox Engine.
Sucker Punch has its own engine with an unknown name.
From Software uses a modified version of the PhyreEngine.
Guerilla Studios has its own Decima engine.
There are certainly more out there, also Indie studios, who do the same but we’ll never know their engines.
Plus, there are many other engine frameworks out there which might be capable for your project and 100% free to use like Spring, PlayCanvas, GDevelop, and so on.

We won’t bring the best out of any hardware and notice what a technology is really capable if all studios and development teams use the exact same engine. We will always have almost the exact same game with the exact same issues.

We had this problem with generation 7 and the Havok engine already, why does this come back like a boomerang? We should have worked out this issue in the industry years ago, instead we see it again now with Unreal? Whereas at least for my personal generation we should see the most sophisticated, technologically most advanced and 99% bug-free video games of all time, as all of my cohort needs to work now or else will not be allowed to even breathe in their own apartments as we all need that damn money in this incredible expensive world of today. If they have the privilege to work in the video game industry at all.

As such, „Final Fantasy VII Rebirth“ will be my last Unreal engine powered game. I think this is really what you can bring out of the engine for 99%. And heck has it issues. In the past we always knew with every new „Final Fantasy“ the developers at Squaresoft/Square Enix squeezed the last bit of optimisation out of their most recent software and we loved them exactly for that. Whereas now they are not even capable to render hair correct (e.g. Yuffie). Or let you see the ocean from above as an ocean (it looks like a low pixelated swimming pool now, with a pixelated ground of 5m depth). Or use the graphics mode without tearing. OK, it’s a remake, let’s forget about it. IMHO _this_ game especially would have deserved its own engine. So have others. But we can’t all be kids of the 80s. And of course we can’t all love video games.

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die mathematik des hurrikans

Mathematik ist wunderbar und dank dem Internet beschert sie uns aktuell fantastische Texte wie diesen:

„Man kann es astronomisch nennen. Mir fehlen die Worte meterologisch das Auge des Sturms und die Intensität hier zu beschreiben. 897 Millibar Druck mit Sturmwinden von 290km/h und Sturmböen von mehr als 321km/h. Bereits jetzt ist das der bisher viertstärkste Hurrikan, der mit solch einem Druck auf dieser Seite des Planeten gemessen wurde. Das Auge des Sturms ist WINZIG mit 6,11 Kilometern. Dieser Hurrikan kratzt an der Grenze des mathematisch Machbaren, was die Atmosphäre des Planeten Erde über diesem Ozeanwasser produzieren kann.“

Fett. Dank dem Klimawandel stehen meine Chancen richtig gut noch das absolute mathematische Limit eines Hurrikans auf dem Planeten Erde live zu erleben!

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